Let's start with a coffee...
I can help you begin your wedding planning journey by giving you my value insight into all the wedding industry. From 'How to begin planning your wedding?' , tips to finding the venue for your style of wedding, to 'how to manage your wedding budget', plus lots of other juicy details.
Once the 90 minute session is finished, you receive your wedding planning guide . All the knowledge is wrapped up in a summary report and check list ('cause we all love a check list!) delivered right to your inbox after each empowering session!"
I know you are excited and ready to begin planning your own wedding.
A wedding planning power 'hour' is ideal for couples who want to plan their own wedding and need some support and guidance.
Hi I'm Nicky, a 2017 bride and wedding planner.
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Dive into our expert advice tailored for engaged couples at any planning stage. Get our industry insights, and navigate your journey with a professional wedding planner. Gain confidence an receive insider tips and recommendations.
90 minutes consultation and report
Wild Blossom Studio
"Nicky answered the questions about consultations and how to write a proposal. We also covered different techniques for making wedding bouquets. I’d recommend booking a session. I had a great day and learned so much."
"The best Christmas wreath workshop I've been to. Nicky is so patient. I was amazed with how well my wreath turned out."
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